Refund Policy

Refund Policy

Refund Policy

Refund & Cancellation Policy 

At LocalSearchee, we understand that things may not work out as planned. However, our platform is a marketplace connecting businesses and freelancers with potential customers in their local area. As such, we do not offer refunds or cancellations for purchases made through our platform.

Using LocalSearchee, you agree to this policy and accept that any payments made for services or products on our platform are non-refundable and non-cancellable.

We recommend that you carefully review the services and products offered by businesses and freelancers on our platform before purchasing to ensure that they meet your needs and expectations.

It is important to note that while we do not offer refunds or cancellations, we take the satisfaction of our users very seriously. If you have any concerns or issues with a service or product you have purchased through our platform, please contact the business or freelancer directly. They will be able to address any concerns or issues you may have and will make every effort to resolve them to your satisfaction.

We also encourage our users to leave reviews and ratings for the businesses and freelancers they have interacted with on our platform. This helps other users make informed decisions about which services and products to use and also helps us ensure that the businesses and freelancers on our platform are providing high-quality services and products.

In summary, we do not offer refunds or cancellations on LocalSearchee. We encourage our users to carefully review the services and products provided by businesses and freelancers on our platform before purchasing to ensure that they meet their needs and expectations. Don't hesitate to contact the business or freelancer directly if you have any concerns or issues with a service or product. We are always happy to hear feedback and suggestion from our users to improve our platform.

Thank you for using LocalSearchee.